4 tom paruzyjny – wykład VII – str. 362

Zgromadzenie narodów i przygotowanie żywiołów

Nazwa Kapitał
Stove Board Trust, Grand Rapids, Mich 200 000
Straw Board Trust, Cleveland, Ohio *8 000 000
Structural Steel Trust *5 000 000
Teazle Trust *200 000
Sheet Steel Trust *2 000 000
Tombstone Trust 100 000
Trunk Trust 2 500 000
Tube Trust, New Jersey 11 500 000
Type Trust 6 000 000
Umbrella Trust *8 000 000
Vapor Stove Trust *1 000 000
Wall Paper Trust, New York 20 000 000
Watch Trust 30 000 000
Wheel Trust *1 000 000
Whip Trust *500 000
Window Glass Trust *20 000 000
Wire Trust *10 000 000
Wood Screw Trust *10 000 000
Wool Hat Trust, New Jersey *1 500 000
Wrapping Paper Trust *1 000 000
Yellow Pine Trust *2 000 000
Patent Leather Trust 5 000 000
Dye and Chemical Combine *2 000 000
Lumber Trust *2 000 000
Rock Salt Combination 5 000 000
Naval Stores Combine *1 000 000
Green Glass Trust *4 000 000
Locomotive Trust *5 000 000
Envelope Combine 5 000 000
Ribbon Trust *18 000 000
Iron and Coal Trust 10 000 000
Cotton Press Trust *6 000 000
Tack Trust *3 000 000
Clothes-Wringer Trus *2 000 000
Snow Shovel Trust *200 000
The Iron League (Trust) *$60 000 000
Paper Box Trus *5 000 000
Bituminous Coal Trust *15 000 000
Alcohol Trust *5 000 000
Confectioners’ Trust *2 000 000


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